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Guardian Angel - Newest

The Victorian Hawk Dragon has currently reviewed the following:

Viking Valkyrie - Viking Ghost Warrior - Valhalla Goddess

On the Snow Covered Slopes, in the Guise of an Angel. At the Rooftops of the World, in the Herald of an Arrow. That's just where you'll find her - Viking Valkyrie:

Viking Valkyrie - Viking Ghost Warrior - Valhalla Goddess - Tom Wood
Viking Valkyrie - Viking Ghost Warrior - Valhalla Goddess - Tom Wood

For when the Vikings go to War, is it an Honour for their Fallen - to Die in Battle ... Whether born of Axe, or born of Sword. Whether born of Bow, or born of Fire. It matters not! For Valkyrie walks, the Battlefields of the Slain - knowing just is, what it is she wants :) The Bravest of the Brave. The Strongest of the Strong. The Deadliest of the Dead. For these Fallen Viking Warriors are to her, nowt but the Heroes of a Viking Hel ... To some comes the Kiss of Death - to Valhalla, to Valhalla! To others comes the Kiss of Life - to Rot, to Rot! For only to Valhalla, do the Heroes go ... These Viking Warriors, Masters of Sword. These Viking Warriors, Masters of Axe. These Viking Warriors, Masters of Fire. These Viking Warriors, Masters of Wrath! As it is with these Heroes, and their Fighting Ways ... Would they charge a Battle-line, hundred to one? Yes! Would they hold a Mountain-Pass, thousand to one? Yes! Would they jump into the Midst, of an Army of Men? Yes! For to these Heroes, is the Eternity of their Names, more important than their Lives. As in Viking War-cry, will their Names live forever! As it is with this Valkyrie - and her Kiss of Death ... Her Curves of Beauty, that be-nigh her Blood Lust. Her Sword of Ascension, that dishes-out her Judgement. Her Looks of a Goddess, that be-spell no Angel. For she's a Viking Ghost Warrior herself - who with a flick of her Sword, dispenses her Judgement. A Herald of Odin, who's versed in Seduction - who with a twist of her Blade, brings Death to the Mighty. As she walks through this Battlefield, eyeing the Slain. As she stands in this Battlefield, asking the same ... Are you a Mighty Hero, out of the Viking Wars, who faced Death in Battle, against overwhelming odds, where none but the Strongest and the Bravest, have the right to be called, a Viking Hero out of Legend? Yet you fell this Day, amongst these Snow Covered Slopes - though your Fury was known, amongst the ranks of these Men? Yes ... Then I fly you to Valhalla, just in time for this Night, with the Feasts of the Mighty, and the Healing of the Angels. For you - Viking Warrior, I bestow my Kiss of Death :) To Valhalla, to Valhalla! And after your Feast this Night? Well ... Tomorrow, to Battle shall you go ... Blood shall be spilled. Arms shall be broken. Shields shall be splintered. Skulls shall be cracked. Swords shall be swung. Axes shall be arced. Bows shall be thrown. Fires shall be cast. To Battle, to Battle! In the Halls of the Slain, in my Master's - Valhalla :) For your a Mighty Viking Warrior, who shall Fall again, Tomorrow's Day, but shall Rise again, Tomorrow's Night! Feast with the Mighty, then Fight again. Then Fall again, then Feast again ... But your Name! Shall be known by Odin, and heard each Day, upon thy Battlefields of Valhalla, Forever and Forever, your Name shall be Known, my Mighty Viking Hero, my Mighty Viking Warrior, in this Viking Hel of Valhalla, in Odin's Halls of the Slain :) For in Valhalla, shall your Viking Name, be both War-cried and Remembered, Forever and Forever! Viking Valkyrie - Viking Ghost Warrior :)

| Victorian HawkPermalink | Web: Tom Wood Fantasy Art

Princess Salamander - Angel Fire Queen

In Angel's Kingdom, Fires be Raised. In Heaven's Sent, Suns be Burned. Born of Raging and of Fury - this Shimmering Queen, Flickers of thy Flame to See:

Princess Salamander - Angel Fire Queen
Princess Salamander - Angel Fire Queen

Flying through her Fire's Domain, thinking of thy Chains to Pull. One Link here, one Link there - Eyelet here, Eyelet there. Hovering in her Fiery Realm, dreaming of thy Souls to Name. One Rune here, one Rune there - Twisting here, Twisting there. Guarding in her Fiery Reign, knowing of thy Roots to Rule. One Stare here, one Stare there - Halo here, Halo there ... What did you see? These Chains of Fire, knew Angel Fell. These Haloes of Fire, knew Queen Eclipse. These Souls of Fire, knew Tongue Salamander ... What did you dream? These Chains of Sin, knew Devil Stair. These Rings of Rule, knew Monarch's Glare. These Spirits of Flame, knew Flick of Dare ... What did you muse? These Chains of Iron, knew Heaven's Spite. These Crowns of Throne, knew Heaven's Wrath. These Sparks in Blaze, knew Myths of Ember ... They spoke to me of Angel Fire. They spoke to me of Fiery Realms. They spoke to me of Magma's Heat. They spoke to me of Angel's Dark. They spoke to me of Fiery Verse. They spoke to me of Magma's Spells :) What did you feel? Passions in thy Heart so Pure - Inferno Goddess, all her Power. Ambitions in thy Soul so Rule - Queen Element, all her Glory. Trusting in thy Guard so Right - Angel Guardian, all her Realm. Learnings in thy Penance so Bare - Archangel, all her Guise. Knowings in thy Phoenix so Rise - Elven Witch, all her Riddles. Believing in thy Wings so Strong - Watchful Eye, all her Province :) For it was indeed, I came across her in my Fire ... These Dancing Flames of Chains in Time. These Leaping Licks of Grates in Iron. These Rising Heats of Leather's Band. These Glowing Rings of Halos There. These Charcoal Runes of Writhing Heat. These Burning Eyes of Madam's Stare! For it was indeed, I came across her in my Way ... These Fiery Forms known Guardian Angel. These Phoenix Forms known Fire Fairy. These Regal Forms known Angel Queen. These Eclipsing Capes known Dark Angel. These Shadowed Cloaks known Dark Fairy. These Silhouette Folds of Madam's Power! Forges of her Fire's Domain. Embers of her Queenly Guard. Heralds of her Burning Reign. Salamander ... Guardians of her Fire's Empire. Tenders of her Queenly Ways. Curators of her Dancing Flames. Salamander ... Sung to Me: Flame in War, Flame in Siege, Flame in Conquest, Flame in Fight, Flame in Battle, Flame in Knight - but know this my King, thy Breath of Fire, Belongs to Me!

| Victorian HawkPermalink | Web: Steve Argyle Art

Sad Angel - Gothic Angel - Dark Angel

In the Boughs of these Trees, in the Lights of this Forest - with the Twists of a Vine, and the Guise of an Angel:

Sad Angel - Gothic Angel - Dark Angel
Sad Angel - Gothic Angel - Dark Angel

I like the fact that this Angel, is entwined with both mystery, and the darker side of Fantasy. The mystery comes from this Angel's attire ... Her feathered wings make me think, of the caring nature, of a Guardian Angel. Yet, that draping cloth (at the middle/back of her wings), makes me think of both a Battle Angel (the cloth's symbol, which reminds me of a Medieval Battle Standard), and of an Angel, that has Lost her Wings (possibly having, removed them herself!). There's also further evidence, of the latter of these - as it's as though this Angel's Wings, are both chained and weighted down: how could she possibly fly, with those large banded/attached jewels, on the apex of each wing? The darker side of Fantasy, comes from this Angel's interaction, with the background ... As I feel that these Woods, are not a friendly place! This feeling comes from, the creeping fingers of the Trees branches (which are jagged around their edges) - whereby if I look too long, start to send a shiver down my spine! Which in-turn, is further refined, by the darkness of this Angel's face - both the Glyphs, and her Tears of Black. Yet here, does the darkness play right back into mystery - as it's hard to say, exactly why, this Angel is so sorrowful ... There's no immediate clues, and it was only with a careful eye, that I first noticed - those falling feathers (bottom-left, under her wings). Thus, did I start to think, of the concept of a Fallen Angel. But, whether this Fallen Angel is her, or a companion Angel (possibly her lover), I cannot say for sure. And it is in attempting to answer this question, that I feel that Steve - fuels the mystery of his artwork ... It's a mystery, whose rising heat, is also further fuelled - through Steve's choice of background: as it's a background, that I would not expect, a Guardian Angel, to be found within. But it is a background, that I would expect, an Angel of the Damned, to be found within. And yet here, do I find a twist - for this background's white, seems as though, it's a Guiding Light. Yet given the fact, that this Angel, is in-front of this light - does she not in-fact, bar your way? And in doing so, would that not meet, the definition - of a Guardian Angel? If that were so, then I feel that this Angel's Wings, have been shaped to be - as if they are a Shield. For they guard against the creeping fingers of the Woods: the outermost topmost curve of her wings, reflect the shape of the white light's halo (especially towards the canopy of the trees). Thus, do I feel that this Angel, wants some time away from the World - and in doing so, perhaps she chose a place, where she would be least likely, to be disturbed? But then again, do I find that this Angel, is also in the Realms of Fairy Glamour ... For perhaps this Secluded Cove, that she chose - is the inner Kingdoms, of a Broken Heart? Which would indeed, explain the presence of a Garden Swing - as her sorrow varies, with the ride each Day, from Day to Night! What of Steve's choice of artist techniques? Well ... I think it's most important, that we consider - his use of lighting. I speak of the light, that's on both the Angel's Dress, and the Angel's Wings/Feathers. Now, I feel that this light, does not come from the background: for the angle of the light, especially upon the Angel's Dress - makes me think of a Spotlight! And if that were so, does this Spotlight, play right back into, this Broken Heart theme - where this Angel's sorrow, far outweighs the common sense, of everything else! But here, do I find that Steve's decision, to include a large Silver Runic Glyph (top left) - helps point the way back ... For it's Sharp like a Sword. It knows what it Wants - to bring both Clarity, and Balance to the Scene. Whilst it's Central Pattern - reminds of me of that Battle Standard :) Which in turn, gives Seed to a new Idea: Grow up (her reaching right arm), and Move on (the Guiding Light). Overall: A Gothic Angel, whose Fairy Glamour, becomes entwined - with the Paths of the Heart. A Dark Angel, who Fell from somewhere High, but with a Riddle of Thought - Rises straight, for a New Chapter. For she's a Sad Angel, who Sits on the Swing of Romance - in the Hearts of the Wood.

| Victorian HawkPermalink | Web: Steve Argyle Art

Angel Fire - Element Angel - Steve Argyle

Fires of this Heaven, and Fairies of the Goddess, what is it that you Halo, when this Angel - flew upon this Scene?

Angel Fire - Element Angel - Steve Argyle
Angel Fire - Element Angel - Steve Argyle

To the Heat of this Day, in the Rise of the Solar - with the tail of a Feather, sung Angel Fire. To the Cool of this Night, in the Curves of the Lunar - with the flick of a Flame, danced Element Angel. To the Forge of this Land, in the Feats of the Warrior - with the touch of a Smith, scribed Element Fire. I like the fact that this artwork, is something of a contradiction ... When I first look at this Angel, do I think of the Whites of the Cloud (as in her Armour), and the Rivers of the Mountain (as in her Flowing Hair). And yet, when I look at this Angel's Wings, and this Angel's Sword - do I find myself thinking, of the Foundries of the Earth, and the Rivers of the Lava. As such, it can be seen that there's a deliberate contrast in themes, that exists within this artwork. Why has Steve done this? Well ... It is a simple reason, that is better explained - through the observance of further contrast ... I think of an Angel of Good. I think of the Flight of the Phoenix. I think of an Angel so Right. I think of the Depths of the Lava. I think of an Artist's Colour Wheel/Palette in Oppose. I think of an Area that's so often called Grey. I speak of course, of an Artist and his Riddle! Which in this case, do I find to be: is this Angel aligned with the Dark? (aka is she of the Evil?), or is she aligned with the Light? (aka is she of the Good?). For me, it's hard to say! She may be of the Light, but that darker area around her Eyes, casts some doubt on this. She may be of the Pure/Righteous, but that darker area at the start of her Wings (either side of her head), casts some doubt on this. She may be of the Loyal, but that darker area on the background's right hand side, casts some doubt on this. Indeed, do I find that this Riddle - becomes a perplexing one! And it is the pondering of this Riddle, that helps fuel your Engagement to this Angel :) In doing so, does Steve bring clarity to his artwork - through the use of three specific techniques. First: is his use of detail. Within the Realms of Art, is it common for detail, just to be hinted at - by the suggestion of a shape, and/or a lighter/darker tone of shading. Yet here, do I find an exception, for this Angel's Armour, becomes involved in the intricacies - there is a uniform pattern, that follows the curves of this Angel's body (a challenge in itself!). Second: is Steve's use of scale. This is most detectable, upon the Fires on the bottom right, and upon the extremes of this Angel's Wings. For as we head towards the extreme/outer edges of this artwork, do such details become larger - but without sacrificing clarity. I feel that this has been done, to bring balance to the artwork. If everything was on the same scale, then it would be easy to overwhelm the Angel. Third: is this Angel's dynamic pose. It's as though this Angel has just flown up, to block your way! The stance of her Shield, angle of her Sword, and bend in her foremost leg (at the knee) - both suggest, and further refine this idea :) Which in-turn, adds depth to this Artist's Riddle - as we start to wonder, could we be dealing with a Guardian Angel here? Overall: A stunning piece of artwork, that speaks both of Angel, and of Fairy! The Angel is the Guardian. The Fairy is the Glamour. The Angel is the Fire. The Fairy is the Riddle. And as such, I love the fact that this Angel - is entwined with both Heaven and Earth. She can fly as high as the Clouds, reminiscent of Rain. She can burn as bright as the Sun, reminiscent of Lunar. To this Angel's Heart, with Phoenix Wing, a Guardian's Halo - this Angel and her Fire!

| Victorian HawkPermalink | Web: Steve Argyle Art

Evanescent - The Butterfly in Fairy - Rachel Anderson

Ammonites of these Clouds, and Eyes of the Flutterer, what is it that you Feel, when this Fairy - sat upon this Peak?

Evanescent - The Butterfly in Fairy - Rachel Anderson
Evanescent - The Butterfly in Fairy - Rachel Anderson

To the Heavens of this Day, in the Wisps of the Vapours - with the twists of a Tail, posed Evanescent. To the Climb of this Rhyme, in the Thoughts of a Dragon's - with the souls of the Wise, mused Evanescent. To the Rocks of this Realm, in the Seas of the Angels - with the whispers of a Queen, dark Evanescent. In the Spiral of his Thoughts, with the hidden of a Riddle - two Flutters of Mind, Evanescent and Reign. I am impressed with the fact, that Rachel has chosen at least, two themes for this artwork - and that each theme, is in balance with the other. I feel that the first theme, is that of Guardianship. For I detect, three sets of Eyes looking at me - the Fairy's (indirectly), the Dragon's (directly), and in true Fairy Glamour, those large Eyes at the top of the Butterfly wings! Of these, it seems as though the Butterfly's are the most dominant - as I feel as though, they are winking at me :) In doing so, do these Butterfly's Eyes - bring balance to the upper half of the image, as their bounding darkness (aka black), offsets the lighter tones of the clouds, that rise throughout the image. And in doing so, does Rachel achieve an important effect - she brings height to her Fairy :) I feel that the second theme, is that of a Quest to Climb. This Dragon's Tail, wraps around this Fairy's legs - which both spirals me up, and into the centre of the artwork. Yet that is not all, for does the shape of the Mountain, and the angle of this Fairy's legs (and her dress) - both work together, pulling me upwards, and into the centre of the artwork. Why has Rachel done this? To ensure that this Fairy, is the focal point of your eyes :) Indeed, is this a powerful effect to achieve, whilst maintaining balance within the artwork - because of this Fairy's, darker skin tone. Rachel has added balance, to allow you to focus on the Fairy, by darkening the shades of the Mountain. The Mountain itself, plays right into - this Dragon's Riddle. What possible reason could there be, for the Mountain to be covered in Ammonites? It seems to me, that this Dragon's Tail, reflects the Curves of the Ammonites - as does the Dragon's colour. It also seems to me, that this Dragon's Wings are the same as Fairy's Wings - with similar shades and patterns (albeit on a different scale). Thus is there a connection, between the Ammonites and the Dragon, and between the Dragon and the Fairy. That connection is the Mountain. It's the Roots of the Fairy, and the Roots of the Dragon. It shows their Ancestral past. It shows their Celestial future. What of Rachel's choice of colour? Except for the browns of the Fairy, and the whites of the Dragon, I detect two shades of a primary colour - that of Purple. The darker Purple, is found upon this Fairy's dress, which together with the whispers, found upon her Fairy Wings - speak to me of Royalty. Perhaps she is a Fairy Queen? Whether a Queen of Elements, or a Queen of Butterflies - I cannot say ... Perhaps both? On the other hand, does the lighter Purple, the Lavender - speak to me of both the delicate, and the refinement of this Fairy and her Dragon. This Fairy Queen, may very well sit upon the Mountain Top - but in Gusts of Wind, has she fought her way, to be at the Apex of both her, and her Dragon's Power. Overall: An unusual scene of Fairyland, that shows more connections - between Dragon's and their Fairies. I love the fact that Rachel has chosen to represent, a different Fairy to what we might expect to encounter, at the tip of a Mountain, and at the base of the Clouds. As this Fairy Roots on Mountain, the Foundation Power of Dragon Kin, brought her a Scene - Evanescent plus Eye.

| Victorian HawkPermalink | Web: Rachel Anderson Art Fairyland

Astraea - The Starlight in Fairy - Rachel Anderson

Butterflies in Flight, with Arcs of the Solar, what is it that you Dream, when I sit upon - this Altar?

Astraea - The Starlight in Fairy - Rachel Anderson
Astraea - The Starlight in Fairy - Rachel Anderson

To the Flowers of this Space, in the Shape of the Heavens - with the allure of a Star, sat Astraea. To the Gems of the Stellar, in the Curves of this Time - with the dazzle of a Sun, mused Astraea. To the Fabric of the Cosmos, in the Paths of the Goddess - with the sorrow of the Endless, flew Astraea. In the Celestial of the Fairy, with the hint of a Drape - two Constellations in Love, Virgo and Astraea. My spirit was inspired by the intricacies of this artwork ... Both in terms of pattern, and in terms of Rachel's choice of colour. I feel that my eyes are drawn to it's dominate use of turquoise - especially upon the Fairy's ruffled skirt. I also feel that my eyes are drawn to the large Gemstone - at the base of the altar. With a closer look, do you notice the third use of turquoise - upon the cloudy wisps of the Cosmos, and it's Interstellar blending. When these three uses of turquoise, are taken together, I feel that this Fairy embodies the concept of protection. When mixed with the sorrow that's present upon her face, it feels as though this Fairy, carries the Weight of the World upon her shoulders. This concept is further implied, by the resemblance of a sphere (aka the Earth) upon an altar - which plays right into the Realms of Fairy Glamour. It is here that I realised, that the artwork's Starry background, is unusual - as it's full of complex shapes ... The background's magic, comes from the fact, that it does not distract from the details of the Fairy (which would have been the case, if it was continued to the bottom of the image - as opposed to fading out). I feel that these shapes, represent the Fabric of the Universe - that of Space Time, and of the Complexity of Life on Earth. I suspect that Astraea, looks somewhat sorrowful - because she feels that these shapes (aka links) are breaking down. Thus, it can be inferred, that Astraea is akin to a Guardian Angel - only here is her role, to guard the Earth and it's People. And yet, I feel not all is despair - for it seems that Astraea, sparks hope anew ... It's in the Luminescence of the Butterflies - that trail from her Arm. It's in the Sparks of the Life - that arc from her Wings. It's in the contrasting colour of her Hair - the passion of the Stars in this Night of Flowers. With thoughts of Lavender, I speak in Lilac - the delicate of Fairy, and precious of Nature. With thoughts of Reflection, I speak in turquoise - two Gemstones that match, one Altar one Ring. With thoughts of Shape, I speak of lightening tones - two Patterns that trace, one Background one Dress. With a step back, do we see that there's three constructs - that pull you into the scene. Step one, is the Fairy's Dress - which pulls you up (to the focus of Astraea). Step two, is the Fairy's Butterflies - which pull you down (with a twist to the Earth and Astraea). Step three, is the Fairy's Wings - which pull you into Astraea's back (capturing the concept of this Fairy's height). Overall: An impressive Fairy of the Starlight, whose powers are woven into the Fabric of the Universe. I love the fact that this Fairy captures the ideas of Mother Earth, whilst Reaching for the Stars with her Pixie Dust. I also felt pity for this Fairy - as she cares for this World. To this Fairyland, with Flaps of Wing, I dream of - Astraea, and her Butterflies ...

| Victorian HawkPermalink | Web: Rachel Anderson Art

Guardian Angel - All

Angel Fire - Element Angel - Steve ArgyleAstraea - The Starlight in Fairy - Rachel AndersonEvanescent - The Butterfly in Fairy - Rachel AndersonPrincess Salamander - Angel Fire QueenSad Angel - Gothic Angel - Dark AngelViking Valkyrie - Viking Ghost Warrior - Valhalla Goddess