Victorian Hawk - Fantasy Articles - Fantasy Realms - Fantasy Writing

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If you enjoy the Victorian Hawk Dragon Fantasy Reviews, then why not buy him a Chocolate Cream?

Eastern Western Dragon - Victorian Hawk
Eastern Western Dragon - Victorian Hawk

Of course, it's not a real Chocolate Cream! It's just a way for you to say thanks ... It's simple: the more Chocolate Creams, the more Fantasy Reviews! It takes time to read a Fantasy Book. It takes time to watch a Fantasy Film. It takes time to Fantasy Paint (either that Fantasy Art or that Fantasy Character). It takes time to play that Fantasy Game. It takes time to find that Fantasy Location. Whilst the Victorian Hawk Dragon enjoys flying the Oceans of Fantasy, using his Eyes like a Hawk - he has to come back to reality, from time-to-time ... There's server costs. There's software costs. There's development time. There's all the legal stuff. Pitted against this - his Dragon Heart, Dragon Armour, Dragon Claws and Dragon Teeth. Flying through the Storms of Fantasy, with refusal to bend his Bony Heads - his Dragon Eyes fixed on Dragon Goal: his passion to help you find your next Fantasy Book, Film, Art, Game, Character or Location :)

| Victorian Hawk