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Princess Salamander - Angel Fire Queen

In Angel's Kingdom, Fires be Raised. In Heaven's Sent, Suns be Burned. Born of Raging and of Fury - this Shimmering Queen, Flickers of thy Flame to See:

Princess Salamander - Angel Fire Queen
Princess Salamander - Angel Fire Queen

Flying through her Fire's Domain, thinking of thy Chains to Pull. One Link here, one Link there - Eyelet here, Eyelet there. Hovering in her Fiery Realm, dreaming of thy Souls to Name. One Rune here, one Rune there - Twisting here, Twisting there. Guarding in her Fiery Reign, knowing of thy Roots to Rule. One Stare here, one Stare there - Halo here, Halo there ... What did you see? These Chains of Fire, knew Angel Fell. These Haloes of Fire, knew Queen Eclipse. These Souls of Fire, knew Tongue Salamander ... What did you dream? These Chains of Sin, knew Devil Stair. These Rings of Rule, knew Monarch's Glare. These Spirits of Flame, knew Flick of Dare ... What did you muse? These Chains of Iron, knew Heaven's Spite. These Crowns of Throne, knew Heaven's Wrath. These Sparks in Blaze, knew Myths of Ember ... They spoke to me of Angel Fire. They spoke to me of Fiery Realms. They spoke to me of Magma's Heat. They spoke to me of Angel's Dark. They spoke to me of Fiery Verse. They spoke to me of Magma's Spells :) What did you feel? Passions in thy Heart so Pure - Inferno Goddess, all her Power. Ambitions in thy Soul so Rule - Queen Element, all her Glory. Trusting in thy Guard so Right - Angel Guardian, all her Realm. Learnings in thy Penance so Bare - Archangel, all her Guise. Knowings in thy Phoenix so Rise - Elven Witch, all her Riddles. Believing in thy Wings so Strong - Watchful Eye, all her Province :) For it was indeed, I came across her in my Fire ... These Dancing Flames of Chains in Time. These Leaping Licks of Grates in Iron. These Rising Heats of Leather's Band. These Glowing Rings of Halos There. These Charcoal Runes of Writhing Heat. These Burning Eyes of Madam's Stare! For it was indeed, I came across her in my Way ... These Fiery Forms known Guardian Angel. These Phoenix Forms known Fire Fairy. These Regal Forms known Angel Queen. These Eclipsing Capes known Dark Angel. These Shadowed Cloaks known Dark Fairy. These Silhouette Folds of Madam's Power! Forges of her Fire's Domain. Embers of her Queenly Guard. Heralds of her Burning Reign. Salamander ... Guardians of her Fire's Empire. Tenders of her Queenly Ways. Curators of her Dancing Flames. Salamander ... Sung to Me: Flame in War, Flame in Siege, Flame in Conquest, Flame in Fight, Flame in Battle, Flame in Knight - but know this my King, thy Breath of Fire, Belongs to Me!

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